Herd Genetics Program

Industry & Economy In Progress

RDAMNC acknowledges that the Norfolk Island community has been working tirelessly to adapt to the new ban on importation of live ruminants. We acknowledge that NI has undertaken – at significant cost – projects to upskill in artificial reproduction, but the projects are not delivering results that are assisting the situation.

RDA MNC and NI is seeking a research partner to assist with the following project objectives:

  1. Design the lowest risk possible protocol for an emergency live animal importation onto Norfolk Island backed by scientific evidence that specifically addresses the following:
    1. Testing regime
    1. Quarantine regime – mainland and Norfolk Island
    1. Potential breeders/commercial suppliers
    1. Cost
  2. Design a testing protocol for Live Embryos which will satisfy the Biosecurity testing requirements for Johnes and Q-Fever (both male and female donors tested) OR a sacrificial embryo testing protocol (and validate the testing of embryos to as satisfactory for testing for Biosecurity purposes)
  3. Provide the live embryos under a commercial arrangement if breeding suitable stock
  4. Assist in investigating the reasons for low success rates from artificial insemination and work with the Norfolk Island community to improve these success rates

RDAMNC will continue to provide updates once we have engaged a research partner.

UPDATE 6/5/2024.

We are very pleased to announce that we have been able to facilitate the introduction of an assisted reproduction program for the cattle on Norfolk Island. We’d like to thank the Hon. Kristy McBain, MP and the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communication and the Arts, Breeder Genetics, Norfolk Island Cattle Association and the Norfolk Island Regional Council for making this possible.

A full copy of the media release can be viewed here.

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