Norfolk Island Regional Plan Consultation

The draft Norfolk Island Regional Plan has been developed to focus on the Norfolk Island regional economy and act as a guide for much of the advocacy, facilitation and project development undertaken by the Regional Development Australia Board and staff. Regional Development Australia Norfolk Island and Mid North Coast’s (RDAMNC’s) annual Business Plans will feed […]

Status: Completed

Improving access to the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme

The Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme allows eligible Australian businesses to hire workers from 9 Pacific islands and Timor-Leste when there are not enough local workers available. Through the PALM scheme, eligible businesses can recruit workers for short-term jobs for up to 9 months or long-term roles for between one and 4 years in […]

Status: Completed

Herd Genetics Program

RDAMNC acknowledges that the Norfolk Island community has been working tirelessly to adapt to the new ban on importation of live ruminants. We acknowledge that NI has undertaken – at significant cost – projects to upskill in artificial reproduction, but the projects are not delivering results that are assisting the situation. RDA MNC and NI […]

Status: In Progress

Food System Mapping

A long-term healthy, affordable, and secure food supply for Norfolk Island requires evidence-informed decision tools. At a global scale, there is extensive research progress on methods to assess sustainability of food systems, with more than 30 frameworks available. Core domains usually assessed include social, economic and environmental considerations, while healthiness and affordability of foods and […]

Status: In Progress

Soil Health & Your Wealth – presented by Graeme Sait

During February, 20 local farmers attended the incredible 2 day course with Graeme Sait from Nutri-Tech Solutions. Please refer to the course flyer for more information. RDAMNC is incredibly fortunate to have had the opportunity to bring Graeme Sait – the CEO and Founder of Nutri-Tech Solutions – to Norfolk Island in February 2024 to work with local farmers.  NTS […]

Status: Completed

Norfolk Island Regional Plan

Following on from the Federal Governments release of the Regional Investment Framework (RIF) and the information received during CEO, Madeleine Lawler’s recent residential visit to Norfolk Island, Regional Development Australia Mid North Coast (RDAMNC) is now the process of writing a regional plan for Norfolk Island.  The Norfolk Island regional plan will be presented during […]

Status: Completed

Country Universities Centre

Throughout the year, our team at RDA MNC has engaged with local residents, stakeholders, and state government representatives to develop a Countries Universities Centre (CUC) on Norfolk Island. In October 2024, we finalised and submitted the application for the construction of this new facility to Regional University Study Hub. We are eager to keep the […]

Status: In Progress

Regional Snapshots

The RDA MNC team have been developing regional snapshots for our communities across the Mid North Coast, Lord Howe and Norfolk Islands. These snapshots are easy to read compilations of the demographics of our People, Places and Industries along with key insights on heath, housing and employment. Click on the links below access the Snapshots […]

Status: Completed

Renewables Opportunity Map

One of the four pillars in the Regional Investment Framework (RIF) is Investing in Places. This is a challenging space for RDAs. At the 2023 National Conference for RDA, it was clearly articulated that the federal government wants to see RDAs active in leading and encouraging net zero transition. The opportunity to commission a high-level […]

Status: Completed

Norfolk Island Local Produce Branding Project

During the Tourism and Wellbeing Business Incubator of 2022, a “made in Norfolk” brand was again raised as a priority to identify the products and produce that has been locally made and grown. RDAMNC saw the opportunity to work with a branding and media agency engaged to undertake the Norfolk Island Destination Marketing project, to […]

Status: In Progress