Herd Genetics Program

RDAMNC acknowledges that the Norfolk Island community has been working tirelessly to adapt to the new ban on importation of live ruminants. We acknowledge that NI has undertaken – at significant cost – projects to upskill in artificial reproduction, but the projects are not delivering results that are assisting the situation.

RDA MNC and NI is seeking a research partner to assist with the following project objectives:

  1. Design the lowest risk possible protocol for an emergency live animal importation onto Norfolk Island backed by scientific evidence that specifically addresses the following:
    1. Testing regime
    1. Quarantine regime – mainland and Norfolk Island
    1. Potential breeders/commercial suppliers
    1. Cost
  2. Design a testing protocol for Live Embryos which will satisfy the Biosecurity testing requirements for Johnes and Q-Fever (both male and female donors tested) OR a sacrificial embryo testing protocol (and validate the testing of embryos to as satisfactory for testing for Biosecurity purposes)
  3. Provide the live embryos under a commercial arrangement if breeding suitable stock
  4. Assist in investigating the reasons for low success rates from artificial insemination and work with the Norfolk Island community to improve these success rates

RDAMNC will continue to provide updates below.

UPDATE 06/05/2024.

We are very pleased to announce that we have been able to facilitate the introduction of an assisted reproduction program for the cattle on Norfolk Island. We’d like to thank the Hon. Kristy McBain, MP and the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communication and the Arts, Breeder Genetics, Norfolk Island Cattle Association and the Norfolk Island Regional Council for making this possible.

A full copy of the media release can be viewed here.

UPDATE 28/06/2024

Regional Development Mid North Coast and Norfolk Island (RDAMNC & NI) are thrilled to announce that the first stage of the embryo transfer and artificial insemination program has been successfully completed on Norfolk Island with just over 40 cows receiving an embryo transfer and 30 cows being artificially inseminated.

RDAMNC & NI would like to thank and acknowledge the hard work of everyone involved in getting the first stage of the program successfully delivered. In particular, thanks go to Breeder Genetics and Holbrook Breeders Australia for their technical expertise and time, and locally, special thanks to Candice and the members of the Norfolk Island Cattle Association (NICA) who worked tirelessly in the lead up to this week.

Breeder Genetics and Holbrook Breeders Australia will be back on Norfolk Island in September for the second round of insemination and hopefully, at that time, RDAMNC & NI will also be able to share the good news that there are some viable pregnancies from this first round. A more in-depth story to follow in the coming weeks so stay tuned.

“RDAMNC & NI has seen and heard the devastation and frustration from the Norfolk Island community at the challenges they have faced since the change of legislation in 2015, and the economic impact the inability to import live ruminants has caused. We are hopeful that this program is successful and there are some beautiful calves born on Norfolk Island next year and the cattle industry on Norfolk Island can begin to rebuild. To see the first round of the program come to fruition this week is fantastic and we are very excited for round two in September. This whole process has required collaboration and teamwork from a number of parties and RDA is very grateful to be a part of the team that has pulled it all together”, stated Dianne Wall, Acting CEO, RDAMNC & NI.

Update 29/11/2024

Regional Development Australia Mid North Coast (RDA MNC) has partnered with stakeholders to implement the Assisted Reproductive Program (ARP) on Norfolk Island, which launched in June 2024. The first stage of the program has been a success, with over 40 cows receiving embryo transfers and 30 cows undergoing artificial insemination. The program achieved a promising 65% success rate for embryo transfers and 40% for artificial insemination, offering hope for revitalising the island’s cattle industry. RDA MNC extends thanks to Breeder Genetics, Holbrook Breeders Australia, and the Norfolk Island Cattle Association for their expertise, as well as local community members, for their hard work.

Looking ahead, RDA MNC and Norfolk Island are seeking research partners to further develop protocols for live animal importation, testing of embryos, and investigating ways to improve artificial insemination success rates. By the end of 2024, RDA MNC plans to continue refining these techniques and share results of the ongoing embryo transfers. In 2025, the program will expand to include further collaboration on breeding protocols and strengthening the island’s agricultural sustainability for the long term. The ARP is a crucial step towards restoring the cattle industry and ensuring Norfolk Island’s agricultural future.

Read the full media release here.

Food System Mapping

A long-term healthy, affordable, and secure food supply for Norfolk Island requires evidence-informed decision tools. At a global scale, there is extensive research progress on methods to assess sustainability of food systems, with more than 30 frameworks available. Core domains usually assessed include social, economic and environmental considerations, while healthiness and affordability of foods and issues such as governance and resilience are less often considered. Trade-offs often need to be considered in local decision making—there are a number of approaches available that provide evidence-based decision-making tools for trade-off analysis, often involving multiple-criteria decision analysis methods using local data.

RDAMNC has engaged QUT to help select and develop the most suitable frameworks that will help the Norfolk Island community in decision making around improved food security on the island. They will be providing expertise in food security and nutritional priority analysis, and expertise in food system sustainability assessment and data-informed decision making.
Through the provision of an evidence-based framework, this project provides a means to facilitate information collection and sharing, engagement and trusted decision making about future priorities for funding and infrastructure that will ultimately seek to improve the health, quality of life and economic sustainability of this remote Australian community.

A copy of the report provided by QUT can be found here.

Country Universities Centre

Throughout the year, our team at RDA MNC has engaged with local residents, stakeholders, and state government representatives to develop a Countries Universities Centre (CUC) on Norfolk Island. In October 2024, we finalised and submitted the application for the construction of this new facility to Regional University Study Hub. We are eager to keep the community updated on the progress of our application. Our goal is to ensure that the residents of Norfolk Island gain access to state-of-the-art tertiary education services, similar to those available on the mainland.

Update 29/11/2024

During the very early stages of the recent Residential Visit on Norfolk Island by RDAMNC CEO, Madeleine Lawler, the repeat challenge of access to vocational education and training and higher education for Norfolk Islanders was raised. The team has initiated a Regional University Study Hub Grant application with the Country University Centre team in order to improve access to post-secondary education on Island.

Update 4/7/2024

Visit our update – CUC for Norfolk Island – RDA & CUC Board need your support – Regional Development Australia – Mid North Coast NSW (rdanorfolkisland.org.au) – for how you can support this.

More information will be shared once this project progresses.

Norfolk Island Local Produce Branding Project

During the Tourism and Wellbeing Business Incubator of 2022, a “made in Norfolk” brand was again raised as a priority to identify the products and produce that has been locally made and grown.

RDAMNC saw the opportunity to work with a branding and media agency engaged to undertake the Norfolk Island Destination Marketing project, to ensure that the “made in Norfolk” brand was harmonious and linked to destination marketing.

This will produce an exciting identity for the creations of Norfolk Island, making it easy for tourists to shop locally and support the domestic economy of Norfolk Island.